Monday, December 06, 2010

Statement of the Standing Committee of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) on their visit to the Angkor Angkor Archeological Site and the Temple of Preah Vihear, World Heritage sites, Cambodia 4th - 5th December, 2010

The InternationalC onferenceo f Asian PoliticalP arties (ICAPP), representedb y 8g
Asian ruling and opposition.p olitical parties, assembled in Phnom penh, 26a4ra
December 2010, for their 6th General Assembly. The General Assembly and 1oth
Anniversaryf ocused on importantp olitical,s ocial and economic,e nvirohmenta nd
energyi ssuesa s well as disputes etflements trategiesi n Asia.
Following the General Assembly, on 4th December, the detegates visited the Angkor
Archeological Sites in Siem Reap province. The ICAPP
CommitteJ in
particular highly admired Angkor Wat Temple, the heritage site considered one of the
world'sw onders.T hey also notedw ith appreciationth e sutcessfulc ooperationb etween
the Royal Government of Cambodia and the International Coordinating Committee
(lCC) in achievinga model of excellencei n its executiono f protection,p reservationa nd
sustainable development and harmonization between cultural heritage, nature and
human activities.
The Standing Committee Members then visited the Temple of preah Vihear, an
outstanding masterpiece of Khmer architecture, built and completed by King
Soryavarman ll who also built Angkor Wat, perched on a promontory of tne dangrel
Mountain in Preah Vihear province. The Members reaffirmed the gieat international
significancea nd outstandingu niversavl alue- very pure,s ignificantlnd exceptiona-l
of thist emplei n accordancew ith the culturasl tandardo f UrufSCO,w hichw as inscribed
on the World Heritagel ist in 2008.T he StandingC ommitteeM emberse xpressedt heir
appreciationo f the Decision made by the World Heritage Committeet o inscribet he
Temple on the World Heritage List in euebec, Canada.
The Members also expressed their entire satisfaction with the decision of the
lnternationaCl ourto f Justicei n June 1962,w hich ruledt he Templeo f preah Viheari s
indisputablys ituatedi n territoryu ndert he sovereigntyo f the Kingd'omo f Cambodia.
The Standing Committee Members appeal to the international community for their
immediate assistance in restoring, preserving and protecting the Temple. Thb example
of ICC-Angkors hould be applieda s a modelf or the sacreds ite of the Temple of preah

Statement  of the Standing Committee of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) on their visit to the Angkor Angkor Archeological Site and the Temple of Preah Vihear, World Heritage sites, Cambodia 4th - 5th December, 2010

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